Daily Diet Tips

Daily diet tips to get you where you want to be and keep you there for good.

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Do Not Get Set On One Diet

Saturday Jul 28, 2018

Saturday Jul 28, 2018

You have to remember that there is no one specific way to lose weight that is going to work for everyone. Stop getting set on a diet that isn't working. Just because someone else was successful on it doesn't mean you will be. And just because a diet worked for you in the past, does not mean it will work for you now. Learn to be flexible throughout your journey with todays podcast. 

Friday Jul 27, 2018

If you are still in the 'I broke my diet' mentality, then you still have work to do. You cannot always isolate your environment to it fits your diet. You need to be flexible and get comfortbale around food. You should be able to go to events, vacations, and dinners without 'breaking your plan'. A flexible way to your goal is what is going to get you there and keep you there for the long run. 

Go Slow to Go Fast

Thursday Jul 26, 2018

Thursday Jul 26, 2018

If you are constantly up and down with your weight this is the episode for you! Instead of being on and off of your diet, find ways to be more reasonable but more consistent so you can get where you want to be for good. If you don't feel like you are ever making progress, listen in for some great advice!

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